Last Revised On Sept 13, 2024
“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free county.” - James Madison
The VSRPA gratefully thanks the Vermont Army National Guard (VTARNG) for the use of the Camp Ethan Allen Training Site (CEATS) located in Jericho / Bolton Vermont. Through the direct support of the VTARNG, VSRPA members have access to this outstanding facility, a facility which is one of the best ranges of its type in New England.
The VSRPA is PROUD to support the Vermont National Guard.
Note to Members / Interested Parties: If your e-mail address has recently changed, or the VSRPA does not have your e-mail address, please consider contacting the Secretary with your information. This will save us a lot of money and make correspondence easier.
Photos on this website are provided courtesy of Charles Ferry, Steve Lawler and Chris Bradley