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2006 Match Results

Last Revised On
 Sept 13, 2024

General Overall 2006 Match Statistics for the 3 Day Tournament:

     82 Individual Competitors
     95 Competitors, Guests and Match Officials


NRA National State Team Postal Match - (5/28/2006)
     22 Competitors

Vermont High Power Championship - 5/27/2006
     68 Competitors

Vermont High Power Prone Championship - (5/28/2006)
     65 Competitors

Vermont M1 Garand Match & Military Bolt Action Match - (5/28/2006)
     10 Competitors & 7 Competitors

Vermont CMP Service Rifle “Leg” Match - 5/29/2006
     32 Competitors

Vermont Match Director’s Rifle Match - 5/29/2006
     3 Competitors